Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Cannabacy Health. We find that many patients and their families request information about topics related to medical cannabis treatment services. The following information is provided to assist you. In addition, your practitioner and our office staff are available to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about Cannabacy Health.

  1. Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities:

    A copy of our “Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities” is included with this package and is available at our web site at cannabacyhealth.com. Please read over these statements carefully as they address our responsibilities to you as a patient and your responsibilities as a recipient of services.

  2. Calls and Email:

    • a) Telephone Calls:

      We are committed to providing prompt return of telephone calls; however, we need your assistance to make it possible to respond as quickly as possible. Always say your name, a telephone number where you can be reached, the reason for your call and convenient times to reach you. Please let us know if we are not authorized to leave our contact information or any appointment information on your answering machine. Always leave a call back number without Caller ID block.

    • b) Emails:

      By contacting us via email, you give us permission to contact you via emails which may include health care information. Please let us know if you have any concern about the information to be included in emails.

  3. Emergencies:

    If you are in need of emergency services, call 911 or proceed to the nearest hospital emergency room for immediate assistance. If you have an urgent problem after hours which cannot wait until the next business day, you can email our office at info@cannabacyhealth.com and our staff and/or practitioner will get back to you as soon as available.

  4. Fees: We charge the following fees for our services:

    • New Patient Package (including consultation, medical cannabis journal and one follow up visit) – $150.00

    • Follow up visits – $80.00/visit

    • Follow up visits for veterans/ low-income NY residents – $75.00/visit

    • Renewal consultation – $100.00

    We accept most major credit cards.

    Any outstanding balance over five (5) business days will be charged 1.5% interest per month. Failure to pay fees within a thirty (30) days period may result in your account being turned over to an outside collection agency.

  5. Length of Treatment:

    No one can predict how long it will take to meet your treatment goals. Some problems can be addressed in a short duration of time while others take longer duration.

  6. Confidentiality:

    No records of your treatment will be released outside of Cannabacy Health without specific written permission from you. You should know that there are some unusual circumstances under which your practitioner may release treatment information without your authorization. These situations are: (1) an emergency involving imminent danger or harm to self or another, (2) court order, (3) any form of physical or sexual abuse of a minor, and (4) if a crime is threatened or committed at one of our sites or against any of our staff. Your practitioner will discuss these conditions with you if you have any concerns.

Medica Cannabis Patient Agreement

I agree that the following statements are true and accurate:

I am over 18 years of age and I will understand the requirements of the State of New York’s medical marijuana program.

I agree to strictly comply with the regulations, terms and conditions of the State of New York’s medical marijuana program. No cannabis obtained by my dispensary shall be used for any other purpose than as directed by my certifying provider. I understand cannabis is not to be resold, distributed, or used by any other person.

I fully accept the responsibility in using cannabis and I certify I fully understand the potential risks related to the use of cannabis products.

If I start using cannabis, I agree to tell my provider if I experience any one or more of the following:

  • Start to feel sad or having crying spells

  • Have changes in my normal sleep patterns

  • Lose my appetite

  • Become more irritable than usual

  • Become unusually tired

  • Withdraw from my family and friends

  • Lose interest in your usual activities

In the event that I experience a severe adverse reaction, I am advised to immediately contact my provider. In the event that my provider is not available, I agree to call 911 for help, lie down and relax until help arrives.

I agree to tell my provider if I have ever had symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychotic episodes or attempted suicide. I also agree to tell my healthcare provider if I have ever been prescribed or taken medicine for any of these conditions. I acknowledge that the risks of using cannabis under these circumstances could be severe or exacerbated.

I understand that my medical provider does not suggest nor condone that I cease treatment of medications that stabilize my mental or physical condition.

I understand cannabis use during pregnancy and breastfeeding may pose potential harms.

I release and waive any and all claims and liability against Cannabacy Health LLC resulting of my cannabis use.

I understand that when under the influence and/or in possession of medical marijuana in public, my state issued medical marijuana ID should be on me at all times.

I understand that the information that I have provided, along with my dispensing records, will be confidential under State law. I have received and understand the Notice of Privacy Practices. I understand that Cannabacy Health reserves the right to change the Notice of Privacy Practices and will make the most current version available.

I understand if I give dishonest or untruthful information, I will be discharged.Do not hesitate to discuss these and any other topics of concern you may have about your treatment at Cannabacy Health with your practitioner.

Do not hesitate to discuss these and any other topics of concern you may have about your treatment at Cannabacy Health with your practitioner. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you.