Do I qualify for medical cannabis?

You may be eligible for the use of medical cannabis if deemed clinically appropriate by your certifying health care provider. Please talk to your practitioner about whether medical cannabis may help you.

Why get a medical certificate if recreational use is legal in New York?

  1. Costs: Pay lower taxes at a dispensary with your medical cannabis certificate. Paying to get your medical certificate can effectively save you thousands of dollars throughout the year if you regularly purchase cannabis products.

  2. Access: Medical patients are prioritized, and you can shop at exclusive medical dispensaries. Medical users are given access to a wide variety of products, chemovars, and professional support.

  3. Potency: Medical cannabis patients also have access to cannabis that have higher potency levels compared to the cannabis sold for recreational purposes. Many retail shops selling cannabis for recreational purposes will always adhere to specific limits of potency as directed by their state. Some medical patients may require higher potencies of THC or CBD by their symptoms.

  4. Healthcare Professionals: With a medical cannabis certificate, a healthcare provider is monitoring your treatment and diagnosis. You will have a provider that manages your symptoms and provides education on any side effects. In medical dispensaries, there will also be a pharmacist available for any product related questions that you are interested in. Cannabis is medicine and we treat it as so!

How long is my certification good for?

At Cannabacy Health, you will be certified as a medical cannabis patient for 1 year. At the time of your renewal, we will re-evaluate you.

What do I do after I receive my medical cannabis certificate?

Once you possess a certification, you may visit a medical dispensary in NYS to purchase product! Be sure to bring the certification, which includes a registry ID number on it, and your government issued photo ID to the dispensary.

Where can I find a dispensary?

See a list of available dispensaries in New York.

Will being a medical cannabis patient cause issues with employment?

Under New York State law, employers are not allowed to discriminate against patients in the NYS medical marijuana program. This means you should not be terminated or refused employment on the basis of your status as a NYS medical marijuana patient or on the basis of your legitimate medical use. However, cannabis continues to be classified as a schedule I drug (along with heroin, LSD, Ecstasy) with no accepted medical use and is still considered federally illegal. Protection under NY State law may not apply if you are employed by or seeking employment under a federal agency (example: VA, USPS, military, etc.) Be sure to consult with a legal professional regarding questions pertaining to the federal law.

Can I use my medical cannabis card in another State?

As a patient in the NYS Medical Marijuana Program, you can go to any medical marijuana dispensary in New York State only. Your NYS medical marijuana card will not be accepted at dispensaries in any other state. The NYS Medical Marijuana does not currently participate in any reciprocity arrangements with medical marijuana programs in any other state.

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